

I began drawing faces at ten-years-old. Taught by my sister, I'd scout my neighborhood asking people to hold still while I sketched their profiles. In my teens, I became enamored with drawing abstract faces, which flowed from my Sharpie in swift, spontaneous motions. In those years, I also began a clothing business, hand-painting one-of-a-kind items for upscale boutiques in SoHo and on the Jersey Shore.

At age 20, I had my first showing at a local library. A few years later I got married, and – being raised very traditionally – felt I had to set my art aside to focus on being a wife and mother. I treated my daughters as the creations of which I’d be most proud. It was not until a friend encouraged me to revive my art career in 2007, that I once again took my marker to the smooth white page.

In 2016, I began to market my work. I feel blessed to have reconnected with this passion and am forever grateful that I’m able to tap into the creative flow I see at play all around us. 

To read a recent interview conducted by Your Art Gallery go to: